Compare Tide and Koho

Compare Tide vs Koho to make an informed decision for your financial needs. Whether you're interested in mobile banking, unique features, or specific benefits, this comparison will help you navigate some of the differences between Tide and Koho.

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Tide Tide
Koho Koho

How do Tide and Koho compare?

Tide and Koho are two fintech platforms that offer mobile banking solutions, but they serve different markets and have unique value propositions that set them apart.

Tide is a UK-based mobile banking service aimed primarily at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), freelancers, and entrepreneurs. It offers a streamlined approach to business banking with a focus on simplifying financial management. Users can quickly set up a business account, manage invoicing, and track expenses, among other features. Tide provides multiple payment options such as faster payments, BACS, and CHAPS. One unique aspect of Tide is the ability to enable multiple team members to access a single business account, providing flexibility in how businesses manage their finances.

Koho, on the other hand, is a Canadian fintech company focusing on personal financial management rather than business services. It offers a spending account with a prepaid Visa card, which allows users to make purchases, pay bills, and withdraw cash. Koho's standout features include real-time spending insights, a rounded-up savings feature that helps users save a bit of money with each transaction, and a cashback program for certain purchases. Unlike Tide, Koho is designed for individual consumers rather than businesses and aims to offer a simplified, fee-free banking experience.

Both platforms are mobile-first, offering apps that are user-friendly and designed for convenience. Tide’s app is optimized for business users, offering tools and features that help manage the financial aspects of running a business. Koho’s app, meanwhile, is tailored to individual financial management, providing insights into spending habits, budgeting tools, and the ability to quickly save small amounts of money.

In summary, while both Tide and Koho offer mobile banking solutions, they are tailored to different audiences. Tide is best suited for SMEs and freelancers looking for a business-centric banking solution that offers flexibility and administrative control. Koho is designed for individual users who are interested in easy, fee-free banking along with features that assist in budgeting and saving. The choice between the two would hinge on whether your primary need is business-focused financial management or personal financial tracking and savings.

Neolista Score


Tide has a Neolista score of 4.3 out of 5.

Go to Tide


Tide has a Trustpilot rating of 3.9 out of 5, based on 23,253 reviews.

App Store

Tide has an Apple App Store rating of 4.8 out of 5, based on 73,394 reviews.

Play Store

Tide has a Google Play Store rating of 3.6 out of 5, based on 20,645 reviews.

Neolista Score


Koho has a Neolista score of 4.5 out of 5.

Go to Koho


Koho has a Trustpilot rating of 1.4 out of 5, based on 394 reviews.

App Store

Koho has an Apple App Store rating of 4.8 out of 5, based on 80,586 reviews.

Play Store

Koho has a Google Play Store rating of 3.8 out of 5, based on 69,196 reviews. logo

Average Neolista Scores

Compare the Neolista scores of Koho and Koho to the overall average score across all listed neobanks.

Logo Tide
Logo Koho

Directory average


"I set up my company with Tide yesterday and spoke to several people, but one stood out: Louisa. She was incredibly helpful and provided a wealth of information during our call. The support from everyone, including Louisa, was outstanding! I would definitely recommend Tide to everyone I know."

Luke "Tide" review from TrustPilot

"Très satisfaite ! Simple et facile ! Aucun souci jusqu'à présent et de nombreuses économies avec un forfait à 9,99 $ qui élimine les frais de conversion à l'étranger ! Obtenez 20 $ avec le code FM1GXK3C."

Joanne "Koho" review from TrustPilot

Tide is great for businesses

Tide is only available for business customers.

Go to Tide

Koho is great for personal users

Koho is only available for personal customers.

Go to Koho

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