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Last synced on Mar 13, 2025
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Tandem has a Trustpilot rating of 4.1 out of 5, based on 4,191 reviews.

App Store

Tandem has an Apple App Store rating of 4.3 out of 5, based on 4,684 reviews.

Play Store

Tandem has a Google Play Store rating of 2.6 out of 5, based on 2,531 reviews.

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  • Based on 3+ sources

What is Tandem?

Tandem is a mobile-first banking platform designed to provide its users with an innovative and convenient banking experience. As a digital challenger bank, Tandem focuses on customer-centric services, offering intuitive app-based account management, budgeting tools, and personalized financial insights to help customers make better financial decisions. Tandem typically offers services such as savings accounts, current accounts, and credit cards, all managed through a secure and user-friendly mobile app. The bank often prides itself on transparent fee structures and competitive interest rates, aiming to empower users to save more, spend wisely, and manage their finances effortlessly on the go.

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Compare Tandem with other mobile banks

Difficult to pick a mobile bank? Here's how Tandem compares to some other neobanks.

Manage your money on the go.

Download the Tandem app in the App Store or Google Play store.

Tandem has an App Store rating of 4.3 out of 5 (based on 4,684 reviews).

Tandem has a Google Play Store rating of 2.6 out of 5 (based on 2,531 reviews).

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5-Star reviews from happy users

Explore what real users have to say about their experiences with Tandem. These 5-star reviews showcase the exceptional service and satisfaction provided by this neobank, giving you insight into why it's a top choice for customers worldwide.

  • I contacted Tandem customer services…

    I contacted Tandem customer service with a query about a payment that was refused because it was not from one of my authorized accounts and involved an account I didn’t recognize. The representative was great and explained the process clearly. I appreciated their diligence in preventing the payment, as I was concerned it could be a scam. This experience reassured me that they are attentive to security, ensuring my account and money are completely safe.




  • Brilliant support when moving house.

    I have been with Tandem for a couple of years now. It's very efficient and easy to use. We are currently in the process of moving house and have been transferring large sums from investments to cover moving costs. I’m using Tandem as a staging post to earn a bit of interest while waiting for the solicitors, etc. The ease of moving money in and out is a significant advantage. I recently withdrew money to pay my solicitor and removal company, and the funds were in my account in less than 10 minutes. I also changed my address via web chat in under 10 minutes. Brilliant service. Highly recommend Tandem.




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