Compare Suits Me and TallyMoney

Compare Suits Me vs TallyMoney to make an informed decision for your financial needs. Whether you're interested in mobile banking, unique features, or specific benefits, this comparison will help you navigate some of the differences between Suits Me and TallyMoney.

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Suits Me Suits Me
TallyMoney TallyMoney

How do Suits Me and TallyMoney compare?

Suits Me and Tally are two unique mobile banks that specialize in diverse areas of financial services tailored to meet the needs of different types of customers. Suits Me caters specifically to the flexibility and convenience required by freelancers, contract workers, and immigrant workers. On the other hand, Tally targets customers seeking to save and transact using a physical asset-backed currency.

Suits Me is a digital banking solution that comes with a prepaid debit card and offers a range of features like online and mobile banking, faster payments, direct debits, cashback rewards and Google Pay options. Aimed predominantly at underbanked and temporary workers, it allows companies to directly transfer wages into the Suits Me account, making payment processes simpler. Translation functions in 12 languages present on the mobile app serve the non-English speaking clientele satisfactorily. Suits Me strives to provide its customers with a banking solution that is accessible, irrespective of their work contract or nationality.

Contrastingly, Tally is the world's first banking app to offer individual banking accounts providing Tally-Hard currency (1 Tally = 1 milligram of gold). Tally offers customers the protection from inflation, financial instability, and currency fluctuations by linking their money to a physical asset, i.e., gold. It also offers the typical mobile banking capabilities such as instant transfers, direct debits, and faster payments, along with the promise of fee-free travel and transparent customer service. However, it does not offer a cashback program like Suits Me.

While both Suits Me and Tally are driving the modern-day banking revolution, they serve very different purposes. Suits Me focuses on a seamless banking experience for the underbanked offering cashback benefits, while Tally offers a unique asset-backed currency system to provide stability and safety. Customers' preferences between Suits Me and Tally will ultimately be based on their financial needs and the priorities they have for their banking experience.

Neolista Score


Suits Me has a Neolista score of 4.2 out of 5.

Go to Suits Me


Suits Me has a Trustpilot rating of 4.2 out of 5, based on 18,199 reviews.

App Store

Suits Me has an Apple App Store rating of 4.6 out of 5, based on 9,301 reviews.

Play Store

Suits Me has a Google Play Store rating of 4.1 out of 5, based on 5,929 reviews.

Neolista Score


TallyMoney has a Neolista score of 4.2 out of 5.

Go to TallyMoney


TallyMoney has a Trustpilot rating of 4.2 out of 5, based on 540 reviews.

App Store

TallyMoney has an Apple App Store rating of 3.8 out of 5, based on 309 reviews.

Play Store

TallyMoney has a Google Play Store rating of 4.5 out of 5, based on 371 reviews.

Suits Me is great for everyone

Suits Me is available for both personal and business customers.

Go to Suits Me

TallyMoney is great for personal users

TallyMoney is only available for personal customers.

Go to TallyMoney

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