Compare Anna and Openbank

Compare Anna vs Openbank to make an informed decision for your financial needs. Whether you're interested in mobile banking, unique features, or specific benefits, this comparison will help you navigate some of the differences between Anna and Openbank.

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Openbank Openbank

How do Anna and Openbank compare?

As digital banking gains popularity, innovative platforms like ANNA (Absolutely No-Nonsense Admin) and Openbank are at the forefront. Both are modern mobile banks designed to make handling finances more convenient, but they each offer unique features and benefits.

ANNA, primarily targeted towards freelancers, startups, and SMEs, is a UK-based digital business account that takes pride in its blend of finance and business administration functions. What sets ANNA apart is its AI assistant feature designed to manage invoices, subscription payments, tax reminders, and even chasing late payments. It ensures users are up-to-date with their business finances and administrative tasks, saving them noteworthy time and effort. ANNA also provides flexible pricing plans based on the number of transactions, making it an affordable option that scales with your business.

On the other hand, Openbank, the digital bank of the Santander Group based in Spain, serves a larger market comprising both individuals and businesses. Openbank's strength lies in its comprehensive personal banking services. It encompasses a broad spectrum of services – including checking and savings accounts, debit and credit cards, personal loans, robo-advisor services, trading, insurance, and more. It is set apart by its no-fee policy, robust customer service, and the security backing of a large, established banking group. Recently, Openbank has expanded its operations across Europe, demonstrating its growth and reliability.

While both ANNA and Openbank streamline banking through digital platforms, they cater to different user segments. ANNA focuses on providing tailored business solutions with unique business administration features, making it suitable for business owners seeking an integrated financial solution. Meanwhile, Openbank offers a comprehensive suite of personal banking services, offering a reliable and holistic banking experience for many customer groups. However, a key differential point for potential users could be the geographic factor: while ANNA functions primarily in the UK, Openbank is making its brand known across Europe. This comparison underscores the importance of identifying one's unique banking needs when choosing a mobile bank.

Neolista Score


Anna has a Neolista score of 4.2 out of 5.

Go to Anna


Anna has a Trustpilot rating of 4.2 out of 5, based on 3,671 reviews.

App Store

Anna has an Apple App Store rating of 4.3 out of 5, based on 943 reviews.

Play Store

Anna has a Google Play Store rating of 3.8 out of 5, based on 1,399 reviews.

Neolista Score


Openbank has a Neolista score of 3.0 out of 5.

Go to Openbank


Openbank has a Trustpilot rating of 1.6 out of 5, based on 902 reviews.

App Store

Openbank has an Apple App Store rating of 3.6 out of 5, based on 83 reviews.

Play Store

Openbank has a Google Play Store rating of 3.8 out of 5, based on 19,386 reviews.

Anna is great for businesses

Anna is only available for business customers.

Go to Anna

Openbank is great for personal users

Openbank is only available for personal customers.

Go to Openbank

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