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The 1st account to match your values.

The all-in-one application to manage your money and act for a better world.

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Last synced on Mar 13, 2025
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OnlyOne has a Trustpilot rating of 3.8 out of 5, based on 38 reviews.

App Store

OnlyOne has an Apple App Store rating of 4.6 out of 5, based on 116 reviews.

Play Store

This provider has an Android app, but has no reviews on the Play Store.

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  • Based on 3+ sources

What is OnlyOne?

OnlyOne is an innovative mobile bank designed to streamline and simplify your personal finance experience. With a user-centric approach, OnlyOne offers an all-in-one banking solution by integrating everyday banking needs into a single platform. The mobile app provides a seamless interface where users can manage their checking and savings accounts, make mobile deposits, oversee investments, and even plan for retirement. OnlyOne is committed to offering top-notch security, 24/7 customer support, and a suite of financial tools aimed at helping users take control of their financial health. The mobile bank leverages cutting-edge technology to provide personalized budgeting advice, real-time transaction notifications, and goal-oriented savings plans, making financial management accessible and straightforward for everyone.

Go to OnlyOne

Manage your money on the go.

Download the OnlyOne app in the App Store or Google Play store.

OnlyOne has an App Store rating of 4.6 out of 5 (based on 116 reviews).

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5-Star reviews from happy users

Explore what real users have to say about their experiences with OnlyOne. These 5-star reviews showcase the exceptional service and satisfaction provided by this neobank, giving you insight into why it's a top choice for customers worldwide.

  • Pour l instant pas de souci mais pas de…

    Pour l'instant, aucun souci, mais je n'ai pas encore versé de grosses sommes. Je trouve cela bizarre que seuls quelques avis mentionnent un rappel de la part de OnlyOne. Le numéro indiqué sur internet ne répond jamais ! J'aimerais vraiment avoir une réponse de leur part.




  • Bonjour

    Je suis un client fidèle depuis le tout début de l'établissement financier OnlyOne, et j'en suis très satisfait. Je n'ai que des retours positifs, notamment sur le service client qui est réactif, sympathique, à l'écoute et extrêmement gentil. J'ai récemment eu l'occasion de le vérifier en les contactant. OnlyOne est une jeune application bancaire et un établissement financier écologique et moderne qui n'a rien à envier aux grandes banques conventionnelles.




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