Comparez Monese et Rocker

Comparez Monese à Rocker pour prendre une décision éclairée concernant vos besoins financiers. Que vous soyez intéressé par la banque mobile, des fonctionnalités uniques ou des avantages spécifiques, cette comparaison vous aidera à naviguer parmi certaines des différences entre Monese et Rocker.

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Monese Monese
Rocker Rocker

How do Monese and Rocker compare?

Monese and Rocker are two mobile banks that offer a range of financial services and features to their customers. Monese is primarily aimed at people who need a bank account quickly and easily, including those with poor credit history or who have recently moved to a new country. It offers personal and business accounts, as well as a range of additional features like budgeting tools, currency exchange, and mobile payments. Rocker, on the other hand, is a mobile bank focused on providing premium banking services to a younger, tech-savvy audience. It offers a metal debit card, cashback on purchases, and access to exclusive events and offers.

One of the main differences between Monese and Rocker is their target audience. While Monese caters to a broader demographic, Rocker targets a specific segment of the market who value premium banking features and perks. Another key difference is the range of features offered by each bank, with Monese offering a broader range of services, including business accounts and currency exchange, while Rocker focuses more on cashback offers and exclusive events. Additionally, Monese operates in multiple countries, while Rocker is only available in the UK.

Overall, Monese is a good choice for those looking for a simple, easy-to-use mobile bank account with a range of additional features, while Rocker is better suited to younger customers who value premium banking services and exclusive perks.

Neolista Score


Monese has a Neolista score of 4.2 out of 5.

Allez à Monese


Monese has a Trustpilot rating of 4.2 out of 5, based on 45,257 reviews.

App Store

Monese a une note de 4.7 sur 5 sur l'App Store d'Apple, basée sur 2,190 avis.

Play Store

Monese a une note de 4.2 sur 5 sur le Google Play Store, basée sur 104,552 avis.

Neolista Score


Rocker has a Neolista score of 4.7 out of 5.

Allez à Rocker


Rocker has a Trustpilot rating of 4.7 out of 5, based on 5,618 reviews.

App Store

Rocker a une note de 4.6 sur 5 sur l'App Store d'Apple, basée sur 3,101 avis.

Play Store

Rocker a une note de 4.4 sur 5 sur le Google Play Store, basée sur 3,298 avis.

Monese is great for everyone

Monese is available for both personal and business customers.

Allez à Monese

Rocker is great for personal users

Rocker is only available for personal customers.

Allez à Rocker

See how Monese and Rocker compare with others

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